Saturday, November 27, 2010

Taste of a german family

Its a thought in general of the young that the real enjoyment is possible or infact allowed when you are away from your family, and you can eat drink and do whatever you want. but the love that the family shows whereever you are is something which always drags you. and particularly out of the country, its a great feeling to spend time with families and think of your sweet memories
and it was time for me in germany to be invited by a colleauge to his house and spend some time with his family. it was jeurgen, a key account manager in behr, who invited me to his house in goppingen. he was always sympathetic towards me for being away from my family, which reminded him the days he spent in Brazil!!!
so it was a saturday afternoon when i took the train to goppingen where he was already ready to pick me up. i never dreamt that he had such a big family, and unlike the europeans there was such a good bonding between his own family, his brothers, aunts, parents and inlaws. so i was lucky enough to meet such a big family. 
he has a very nice house with 4 children, 3 boys and a very cute little girl. along with them stay 2 dogs and 2 cats :), so a big family of course...
we went to a mexican restaurant, and believe me, if you are longing for indian tastes, some mexican food can really satisfy your apetite. so all along the dinner time we had some wonderful conversation. it was basically related to india because their family was mad about our country. they travelled to so many places i bet atleast 90% of indians would never have been to. i am lucky enough to travel to a lot of places courtesy my job as a marketing engineer for behr. so i was the best one to challenge them in the number of places covered.
one situtation which they explained when they travelled from cochin to goa in a general compartment, sleeeping on a bag infront of the toilet......was good to hear, certainly was an awesome experience for them.
they love indian food, infact the younger bro of jeurgen, michael, makes palak paneer and gobi manchurian at home even today!!!
after the delicious meal, it was time to head to their house and take a relaxing beer. they even had a hindi songs CD, which i thought they played for me that day, but infact they were the favourite songs of the whole family. and the little girl was singing the songs and was giving a competition to whoever the singer was.
it was wholly a memorable experience. it was getting late and i had to go back.
it was an experience i cherished and will be remembered for a long time.......thanks again to the family.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pisa, Florence & Venice......the start and end of the trip were most anxious

As the title suggests....our train from main stn was at 5:09 to frankfurt. our local train from feuerbach was at 4:56 and had to reach main stn by 5:02, so 7 mins is always more than enough to just go to the main platform and board. we were anxiously waiting for our train and min by min passed by and finally it arrived at around 5:01. we never really bother about these one or two mins when we tell the time to someone in real life. we just round it to the next 5 mins. but first time in life in understood the value of every min that was passing by. we reached at around 5:08, and we ran out our lives to catch our train. and the result....obviously shocking for us. the train left just a min before we arrived. we just did not know what to do. waited for the ticket counter to open. i said we had missed the train, and i explained to him how our local train cheated us :P but some more bad luck came our way. if we had to get another ticket without paying anything extra, the computer had to show that the lead time from feuerbach to main stn as 13min, and it showed 15!!! so he explained us how our planning was wrong, and we had to pay another extra 85 euro to get ourselves two tickets. a great start to a loooong tour.
all along the trip i found hari's expressions the most hilarious. you will find out slowly.......................
we took a ryan air flight(for 5.99 euro) to pisa. as we rode through the streets of pisa, the disgusted look on hari's face was wonderful. he was frustrated to see the dusty roads, a village like environment, and really after you have been in belguim and germany, italy known for its historical importance and tourism is not so advanced. so we reached our youth hostel to find no body there. the place looked a bit mysterious to us, so took a hotel nearby. we forgot to cancel the hostel booking and never really bothered about it, and we knew that they had billed us only after we had completed our full trip and came back home.
we saw the leaning tower of pisa and a couple of monuments beside it. there was a free tour that was planned by the hotel, and at 9.30 the next day we had a meet a lady at a clock tower. when we asked how we could recognise her...there came a very comical answer. the lady would have a sunflower pinned to her shirt, and we had to find her out by that. truly unvelievable. and of course the next day we did not find her even though we waited a long 20mins.

we then took a train to florence. even this is a small place same like pisa, and we can just walk from one end of a city to the other. all the monuments are so close by. we became experts in seeing the map and finding our way. we saw so many places in florence. i just dont remember their names to mention, but the beauty of the place is worth mentioning.
almost the whole week we had either beer or wine, with sphagetti or pizza, of course they are the specials of italy. da vince and michael angelo belong to this place, and so you can find so many artists and sculptors everywhere in the place. art is something which is given due respect, and that is a really positive sign for the future to come. the meuseums were also very good, informative and the paintings..just mind boggling.

i appreciated both pisa and florence, if not hari :) but venice was my best. shocked to come out of the station and find a pool of water, and i had to take a boat and not a bus or a train to reach my hostel...which was on another island called Lido...can you believe that!!!
i love water, right from my childhood i admired the vizag beach more than anthing else, and when i joined the aqua swimming pool, my love for water grew more and more. and i cherished my stay in venice. the love for water is now tooooo much.
we took a daily pass and took boats to everywhere and anywhere. we were there for a couple of days, and did not see the sun even for a second!!! water water water everywhere. boat taxis, boat ambulances, police on boats......just amazing how people there manage everything.
it was getting dark that day and we had to cover there ilands, murano, burano and torcello. by the time we reached burano, we did not find a single inhabitant, it was like a place ram gopal varma would love to direct a nerve shattering thriller. but it was a place famous for its glass factories and we visited a few shops where there were beautiful glass made articles...but of course far far away for our budget. so after the window shopping, it was time to go to torcello. this time we were the only people on the boat too.hari's expressions were worth seeing when we reached the island to find water and trees everywhere...and a black cat just passing by. he was ultimately frightened. on the board we could see a toll free no which we could call and ask for help...and to increase his curiosity, it did not work. he tried asking the boat driver for the isd code, but there was of course a communication problem, and the result, a big zero. i was laughing away at the sight of his face with lots and lots of tension. and he got info from somewhere that the last boat was at 8pm, and it was already 7.55pm. he rushed to the driver and persuaded him to take us back. he just could not imagine the scenario where we would be left alone on the uninhabited island...and then anything could happen!!!
the boat took us to burano, where we saw the boat timings. to ease a lotttttt of internal pressure, we found that the boats run all through the night :)
we came back to the Lido and had the same old italian dinner. next day hari was to leave early. so after seeing some more places, it was time for hari to go. and it was time for me to pass hours and hours just aloneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

i had lunch for 2 hrs, dont be afraid, i ate very less but just sat for a long time. then took to bus to the airport where i waited another 2 hrs. then the flight and the bus to frankfurt main stn were also ok, then started struggle. 2hr wait at the frankfurt airport, in the extremely cold weather....narakam kanipinchindi!!!
to add  to the woes, it was a break journey...and the break was just unbearable. i got down from the train at Bruchsal at 3:30am, and had to board my train to stuttgart at 6:21am. 3hrs at a village, no one in the station, no where to go, nothing to eat or drink, very cold weather................if u know something more than hell, pls let me know, i can use this term exactly here.
as the time got near, i became happier...but suddenly nature started calling me...and for 30mins i had to oppose nature in all the ways possible..........and as soon as i boarded the train, the ticket checking woman greeted me and was about to ask for a ticket when i fleed to the WC and that was a moment of my life. i came out extremely satisfied to show her the ticket and went home safely.

this weekend has been targeted only to take rest......i have been travelling too much, and of course my body needs some rest. so after two days of very good sleep, i feel wonderful to start afresh.

Finally a Zoo

When we missed out on going to the zoo in antwerp during our visit to belgium, we were very disappointed. so the wilhelma zoo in stuttgart was a must see for all of us. so the third day we started early to the zoo. as usual it was huge, and following the map, we made our way to see the ducks, birds, monkeys, tigers etc etc.
but the most fascinating view was that of the penguin and the polar bear. i never even dreamt in my dream that i would be able to see them some day. it was a memorable scene.

we were ultimaely tired as we came out...and even more hungry. so it was time for the konigstrase again to a posh restaurant. amidst all this was the tension for uday to head to porsche meuseum from where he had to leave for aachen by car pool. once again my favourite car pool turned out to be time and money saving :)
so we left the other guys to eat and took the train to my house to collect uday's belongings. never did i feel so lucky to catch trains without waiting a minute for them. we had to change a lot of trains, from main stn to my house, then to feuerbach, then to porscheplatz. generally a trip like this takes about 30mins in the trains, but a 15-20mins just waiting for them. but on this particular day, we finished it all in about 35mins. yes, god is great.
hari and sandeep were waiting for me to visit the rosenstein park, but unfortunately my train to main stn was scheduled only after by the time i reached them, it was already dark...and we had to go home.
that night was special again. sandeep was going away to italy...and we had to catch a train at 5:09 to frankfurt. so the adventure continueeeeeeeeees

Black forest

The second day we planned to make a tour of the famous Black forest. an advise from my friend to visit the Triberg and Titisee was a real good one. we started in the morning and we had to change a few trains to reach the small villages in the black forest. after we reached there we knew about the famous Cukoo clocks that are manufactured in Triberg and it was good to see some astonishingly huge Clocks. the train journey was equally amazing as it was the time of Golden October. its the time when the trees turn yellow from green and start shedding their leaves. truly amazing sceneries we could see from the train.

there was a nice waterfall at triberg, but was a long way to walk up the hill. it took a lot of time, not only because of the distance but because of the thousands of photos we clicked. a good chilly atmosphere, clean and green with zero pollution, it was a memorable stay. it was dark very early and then we started off for Titisee.
but advise from an old and very helpful woman there suggested that it was farther than we thought and the boards showed. so we dropped the idea and had a nice dinner at an italian restaurant. it was time to head back to stuttgart, and again it was a very tiring day....but we thoroughly enjoyed it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Time for another Bitsian get-together

So as our Italy trip was planned with a lot of research and hard work, hari was to come to stuttgart, roam around a few places in germany and continue the trip to Italy. but it was awesome to have uday also join us. and as usual my buddy surendra(jaffa na jaffda) was there to accompany us. the surprise package was akkanapragada or simply sandeep. a friend of hari and working in Italy, always frustrated in life about something which he doesnt know...he suddenly took a flight to land up at stuttgart and join us on our adventurous trip planned obviously by siddu.
people got up early to feast of the delicious breakfast i prepared, but had to compromise on the unexpectedly RED poha i prepared. i donno why but it just happens when ppl are there to judge my talent, every other time i really make it tasty. we started of for the porsche meuseum.

uday specially wanted this photo to be publisiced everywehre because out of the innumerable photos we took, he says this is better if not the best. his taste for photos has really become saddistic, he hates every photo in which he is present, and u bring in the worlds best photographer, and he can point out a mistake. i think its time one reminded him, whatever u r like, the same u get in a photo. 

after the meuseum visit for a couple of hours and discussions about cars, mechanics etc etc..we landed at the Bad leuze, a mineral water swimming pool. and the same situtation which i posted in my previous blog repeats. 
after a tiring day, it was time for some relaxation...and we chose the pub which is most famous for its"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" so though its a censor, u can imagine it to be a really wonderful night for all of us, especially for the 3 pilla pooooos hari, uday and sandeep.

Finally a cool swim

Its been a long time since i have penned down the events here in Germany, reason being the really busy schedule. Not because of work of course, the extensive travelling and enjoyment has snatched away all the time to fill in my blog..........
so here starts a new innings. i was again in Pforzheim, but this time waiting 2hrs for surendra to come and pick me from the bus stop as a result of his as usual handover. then we decided to go for a swim. entered one of the oldest and biggest pools of germany............and if u have seen a lot of episodes of baywatch or similar serials, its time to rate the german girls a bit higher. they were not awesome as usual..they were ultra awesome, and u can just understand why they were like that!!!
we had long 4 hrs just swimming and more of admiring. like kids we played, swam for a while, played a few water games......and finally entered the sauna to relax. as usual more of description can lead to i will finish of this right here.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I Prost it, I Prost it!!!

After witnessing an awesome Munich oktoberfest, there was never a feeling that stuttgart could be enjoyed so much..but it proved out to be just true, thanks to some New Zealand friends who made life very interesting at one of the Biertents at the Canstatter Wasen.
Had been to the stuttgart tv tower on saturday, apart from the history of the very tall tower, it was quite a flat visit. So went to the Konigstrasse and bought a lot of winter clothing, believe me the weather is getting worse day by day. Then started off with my 5S activities as usual on a sunday morning, when the mobile rang. In another 15 mins i landed at the Bierfest, the last day for the year 2010. we quickly entered the Hofbrau tent before it got full...and then the party began.
Awesome music, beautiful girls all around, beers to just gets hotter and hotter.
I prost it, i prost it...a wonderful song so apt to the environment(prost is cheers, fyi)

A family came to sit beside us after a while, and we found them to be more enthusiastic than us!!! we started dancing on the chairs, tables..anywhere and everywhere. With the girls, it was funnnnnnn
Believe me, we danced for over 4 hours, i never in my life thought would be possible. the surroundings just did them for us.

Came back home at 1am :) with a hangover of course.

Friday another plan just popped up, out of nowhere and i rushed to pforzheim, and again it was time for some nightlife........this time far toooo ahead of what is in your mind :) contact personally again for any additional info

Got up late on saturday to go to Euzand park. very big..infact enormous, takes atleast 2-3 days if u wish to see it completely. by mistake we banged into some iceskating rink, but thinking about after effects.......we just ignored. then entered the beautiful park, so full of lush green trees, a beautiful stream passing by and to add to it was a chilly weather, was perfect for a loooong walk.

Saturday night was not so long..but still an irish pub, then a boxing match late night...time just passed by.

Sunday evening was time to pack off to stuttgart...........monday arrives and its time for officee!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I always mentioned in my blog about the extraordinary girls in they need special mention yet again...this time at three different places

Stuttgart oktoberfest - HOT
IAA(Hannover truck show) - HOTTER
Munich oktoberfest - HOTTEST

It was a friday evening, and suddenly news came about the Oktoberfest starting at 3pm. so as usual enthusiastic about roaming around and drinking, i set out with a friend. It was such a lively place with lots and lots of people, which generally you can never witness in Europe. 80% of people you can find in traditional dresses in which the girls look really cute. The fest is about drinking as well as amusement. the rides are also a proof of the advanced technology of amazing!
so it was a short visit to the fest and had some fun...then set out to enjoy some NIGHTLIFE...which is even more amazing. but i would not elaborate anything about this...absolutely censored, you can contact me personally for any additional info :)

The next day early morning i had to catch the ICE to Hannover. A super fast train, still it took 4 long hours to reach. Met a  couple of colleagues in the train, so there was no problem getting in. It looked so similar to the Delhi autoexpo, just that it focussed only on Commercial vehicles and was a bit more organized.
But the Behr booth was so good, because it had all kinds of arrangements...from food to drinks to anything else you need. It was good representing Behr india there, and met some indian suppliers as well as OEM people, and had good discussions. then took a quick look at the whole show..........and as usual its more about beautiful girls...than the sophisticated vehicles exhibited. the girls were just awesome!!!
it was time to leave after a couple of beers at the booth.........then a proverb came to reality"Half knowledge is dangerous", i understood very little german, but instead of asking anyone about the details.....this happens, One of my colleague told all the others to come down to the reception of the hotel at 9, everyone there understood that it was 9pm the same day just to go out for a drink. the great and intelligent "ME" thought it was 9am the next day to start to the booth. Happily checked in the 5 star hotel(1st time in my life) took a wonderful bath in the tub and watched casino royale in day went to the reception at 9am sharp(i am punctual these days), but not after my phone rang twice when i was in the shower. to my astonishment the receptionist informed me that my colleagues had already gone to the booth at 8:10 am and also tried to contact me..........then i understood the whole story. but as always God is great, a colleague left her ticket in her hotel room, so she came back in a car........and i went along:) Alls well that ends well
Next day was kind of boring........and then 7pm took the train to stuttgart, came home at 1am...very tiring indeed.

Now its time for the HOTTEST......The munich bier fest, i used the car pool again, and this makes me really happy!!! we enter the fest not before making friends with Chaira(a german girl with us in car pool and taking her number as well). we witnessed a stuttgart bier fest just magnified......and loooooooot more people.
but they were more drunk, more enthusiastic, more was just awesome.its hard to write blogs and keep updating it all the time, but when so many things keep happening around, even lazy guys like me cannot help but just write instead of sleep!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Aachen, Eupen, Brussel & Antwerp.......but i liked Car Pool the most :)

It is good to meet Indians in Europe...and it is even better to meet a couple of Bitsians. I started on Friday early morning to meet Mark nikolau, who was supposed to ride me to Aachen as a part of the Car pool. After a lot of phone conferences and mails exchange Hari, Uday and me planned to celebrate Ganesh chaturdi in Antwerp(Belgium) and roam around Brussel. It was a difficult trip for me, because i had to find ways to reach Aachen after which it was easy, courtesy "Gopass". So then with the advise of some colleagues i found out about "Mitfahrzentrale". Since then it has been good to find riders to so many places with which you could go along and pay him an amount which is less when compared to any type of travel in europe.
After having a quick breakfast with our purchase head, reached the venue for pickup 5 mins late. it was OK!!!
A 4 hour journey and we reached Aachen...and luckily very near to Uday's house. So 2 hours of lacha...Bitsian style...and then went to see some places. As usual a castle, church, hangout places etc etc. Then to Busof and a 40mins busride to Eupen. To increase the intensity of travel immediately another 1hr 45 min travel took us to Brussel, and to receive us came a very frustrated(certification failure :)) and enthusiastic(to show us belgium) Hari and immediately took us to Grand place..which is very stylishly calls Grandpla. So completely exhausted we went back to have a couple of drinks in his house and my favourite tomato pappu.

Next day we left for Antwerp and visited the Diamond meuseum...lots of information and very less to see. Kind of boring to Bitsians!!!
Next came the treat to every eye in the world...the Aquotopia. We exptected it to be a normal acquarium and went inside but we got more and more than enough for the ticket price...
just see the pics and it explains air streams with so many kinds of water animals, octopus, sea horse, piranhas, the Nemo fish...what no. It was amazing. We planned to visit the zoo as well, but we were out of time, so thought of seeing the port and river. Was a wonderful evening with the cool breeze and lots of the belgium youth relaxing at the shore of the river. We came back late in the night to Belguim..and guess what we did not even visit the grounds where lord ganesha was put. sorry to him, but out of timeeee

Next day unfortunately i had to leave early to aachen to catch up with nikolau and drive back. so moved quickly to have a glimpse of Mini Europe and Atomium. Excellent places to visit indeed. we had enough time to see Mini europe and great to see the mangificent prototypes of the even magnificent structures of Europe. Sad not to climb up the Atomium and have an adventurous journey coming down...we just had to be content by seeing someone else do  it.
We hurried to the Main station and by that time Hari was almost a lifeless creature, he headed back home leaving us to find train to Eupen. Half knowledge is very dangerous, we had been studying this since childhood...and of course never took note of it. But when we saw the Eupen train just passby our eyes and we still thinking that it was an ICE and we were not supposed to board it. Then tension started creeping up because i could not reach Aachen by 5pm at any cost. To worsen the moment my phone stopped working...and there was no point of contact for nikolau. Good that hari and uday were there to coordiante and finally made nikolau and another guy riding with him for 2 hours. It was an embarassing moment but finally was the last chance i had got. So reached stuttgart at 12 in the night. Exhausted i just slept....................Next day it was time for office...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Busy usual

After a bit of advise from a colleague, the plan was to see Esslinen & Rosenstein on saturday and Marien platz(Bier fest and Dinkelacker) on sunday.
Saturday morning usual i wake up late and sit down to ponder over the stuttgart map to find out the way to Esslingen. Experience makes things easy for me now.
I reach in about 20mins and...........
Rathausplatz is the center of the area. I did not make out anything special from the monument but it was good to see an Indian flag outside alongside 4 other different flags.
You can also witness a romantic scene in the picture below(if u can really focus or zoom and see :)). I continued my journey to see a lot of shops...and 90% of them as usual for food. This is the place where the Neckar flows through and its a real picnic area for the people. you can see innumerable people just relaxing and cut off from the world. a little later i set off to see the fort on theing e hill. after seeing a lot of beautiful forts in pune, this was obviously disappointing...absolutely nothing when compared to pune. but a lot of walking made me so tired that i wanted to skip Rosenstein and get back home.

Reaching Bad Canstatter i found a beautiful route to Feuerbach(my home) through a natural park...a 5 km walk thru a beautiful park so full of i walked and after a long time came out of the park to Loweturburg, very near to Feuerbach....i came out and looked said "Rosenstein park"

So sometimes God is on your side and makes a trip successful. I came back exhausted and just slept off waiting for a beautiful sunday to come by.

Sunday turned out to be many things to do, washing, cleaning, ironing, cooking. after doing all this i really have a respect for Indian women who are patient enough to do so much of household work. working for a company to make money is a much easier job!!!

After a day full of boring work, i wanted to visit some vineyards on the hills. a small trek but an interesting one led me surprisingly to the vineyards as well as a Bosch hospital. wonder what it was doing on the top of a hill.
I visited another part of the Rosenstein with some beautiful fountains and small pools with a lot of children playing and enjoying themselves.

Future plans are much more interesting...Brussels, Hannover, Munich, Italy........list goes on. Hope the Eurotrip brings some fresh life into my life.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

If Pilani-->BITS.........Stuttgart-->Mercedes

So yet another weekend...and again set for a ride to the city.
This time too just alone, set myself for another adventurous journey. but it turned out to be very tiring......of course after a ten km walk...any human is exhausetd!!!
Set out to go to the volksfest(beer fest and amusement), but to another disappointment of mine, i was there to visit it before 2 weeks of its inaugral date :)
Kept walking along to find the Mercedes strase(street) and soon found out the Neckar park which has the Mercedes and Porsche arenas...another 100m and you find the Great Mercedes Meuseum. This was where Mercedes started...the Bad Canstatter.

It is of course difficult to upload all 200 pics of the magnificent cars.........but a few you can find here.

After the long 4 hour visit of the meuseum, i made a visit to other parts of the Neckar park to find some Boating venues with luxury cruises and motor boats....and a e german having again you feel having company would have interested me too, to have all the fun. so waiting for my colleagues to come on sep 12th to stuttgart.....
Strolled along to find the Minerbad Lueze...a wonderful resort with beautiful swimming pools(i am not sure if a swimming pool can be described as beautiful, but i am sure you got me). its actually interesting to find many pools with varying water temperature(20deg to 50deg). and you have the sun bathing etc etc etc
Having been tempted after such wonderful visits happened to find a railway station, so thought of visiting the konigstrase to have a better look of the girls!!! After another conversation with a german of which he or me could not understand a bit...somehow found out how i could go to the Hauptbahnof(main rly stn). There was still 10mins left for the train to arrive, so i went to visit the Minerbad bonatical garden, it was beautiful. It had so many birds and at a corner found a girl feeding them. Gathering all my inner strength, went and started talking to the girl as if i was interested about birds too...yeah but of course i was studying Ornithology there!!!
But God is so cruel sometimes, he gives you strength "the one time" and then makes you realise the train is just 2 mins away...i hurried back...
The Hauptbahnof was extremely crowded as usual....and the konigstrase was just too good on a saturday just cant understand which way to sway your head...every nook and corner is just HEAVEN...But roaming so many places, i was really exhausted...slept and on sunday it was around 1pm when i woke the same usual activities of cleaning, washing, cooking...............LIFE GOES ON AND ON

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A weekend!!!

The 2nd weekend comes to and end in Stuttgart, and this has been an interesting one. Never in the past did a single guy from my company come to Germany, probably the first time and so fortunately or unfortunately there is no one to guide me in the city. But just with the confidence after touring India alone,  i set off to try myself where to go and how to go on my own. The Hauptbahnof or the main railway station is the City Center and the most populated(of course the total population of stuttgart might be just half or less than that of Visakhapatnam). People surrounding you are always helpful, so with a lot of asking i could finally operate the ticket machine, understand the stuttgart map and...............i visit the Schlossplatz, the Schlossgarten, the castle and the Konigstrasse. There is also the walking street(just like MG Road of Pune) where there is huge shopping and eating stuff.

So after an interesting day....i come home and before i just relax the time ticks 8pm, and i have to COOK!!!
May be the most uninteresting thing i always felt in my life(although i love to EAT) and confidently felt would never do in my life. But everything that always for the good, may be now i can live all alone and anywhere in the world...and there is no need for marriage :)
Sunday very enthusiastically i set myself to go for a swim because it was a warm sunny day........and you can expect what you can find in swimming pools on a sunny day..of course i prepared myself only for that...but to my disappointment...SUNDAY IS A HOLIDAY :( So i just strolled by to find the Killesberg park. An amazing place, lush green with trees, flowers and fountains, lots of activity related stuff and lots of families and friends enjoying the sunday afternoon. This sort of times remind even a hard hearted guy of all the things he is missing in India. was a good weekend and its time for office again.....................................

Monday, August 30, 2010

The German way...

One side of the coin...the germans give a lot of importance to public life, that is why may be they are more content. You can see innumerable families enjoying the weekend afternoons in parks and hang out places just eating, drinking and chitchatting. you can witness the children enjoy their soccer or rugby and even grandma's and grandpa's taking looooong walks all alone. spending time with family gives a lot of happiness and relieves a lot of your internal day you are off to office to do some real fruitful work.
of course when there is a coin, there are two sides.............................

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A place where any mechanical engineer would dream of working...Germany

Miles away from home..lies this beautiful green and well planned city of Stuttgart, Germany. It has been a long journey from the city of destiny, Visakhapatnam to the small village of glory, Pilani. Then amidst the boring corporate life in pune comes this golden opportunity for a Euro trip.

So a flight from Mumbai to Zurich and Zurich to Stuttgart....and i land in my cosy apartment on a cloudy day, the city just recovering from a full week of heavy rains. After some days of settling down and going around nearby places for basic shopping i enter my office. Very helpful colleagues and a very disciplined office welcomes me.
So its been a week...i am busy getting used to the German culture, language, my EGR project management and the really hot girls!!!